Tag Archives: feminism

Why Does Anyone Buy Into Feminism?

I have been wondering where my feminism journey started and how I can take someone along with me. This is an attempt.

I use to regard feminism as “Wow, what the fuck are they talking about now?” In a way, I was interested because I didn’t fit into the standard mold – at least, what I thought girls were supposed to be like. (In my teenage mind, that meant being boy crazy, wearing makeup, and caring what I looked like). Either I had to accept myself as an anomaly/wrong, or conform. For awhile, I chose to accept that all people are unique and to not worry about it. Then I had to take a gender studies course for graduation.

So here it is.

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In Defense of Snow White (Who Desperately Needs a Sequel)

On one end, there’s a lot of interest in the Snow White fairy-tale as a cautionary tale about beauty. And, I don’t know, people seemed to like Maleficent enough to give her a Wicked-like story, or something, right? (Right? The bad guy has a reason to be bad? …I haven’t seen it yet)

On the other, I think a lot of people (re: radical feminists) treat the movie like the beginning of the end of Disney’s “disempowering women agenda.” Don’t get me wrong – there are definitely problems with female portrayal, but they go beyond the Disney empire. The shitty treatment women get exists on all platforms. Yes, it’s problematic that Snow White sang a song about how she’s going to let a man save her.

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